How to present records & documentation, set up an auditor user and other tips on hosting an CanadaGAP audit
Note: Ensure you complete the following prior to audit day
- Building sketches attached to Form A
- The Self Assessment which is then attached to the Self Assessment Form
- All manual sections and annual forms with applicable documentation attached, see CanadaGAP Year Round Form Schedule
Record Review Tools
While completing the Document Review part of your audit, you have a few tools at your disposal:
Reports can be a tool for easily illustrating your CanadaGAP Manual and lettered forms.
Tip: Ensure reports are in place for manual sections 1-24 and forms A-V.
Sorting can be used to easily display forms or manuals sections in order by most recent.
Navigate to Forms > Completed
Start by clicking the Sort function.
Under 'Sort By' select 'Name' and then under "Order" select 'Ascending' which will bring the numbered manual forms to the top of the form list for reviewing.
Filtering can be used to easily search for any form by multiple criteria.
Start by selecting the Filter function.
Under 'Name' type in the form name you are looking for OR filter by folder such as:
"Fruit and Veg Manual' OR "Greenhouse Manual (depending on which version you are using)
Tip: Filtering works best in Reports to find records by date, lot code, product, etc
Finding Internal Documentation
Commonly reviewed documentation includes:
Letters of Assurances (LOA's) / Certificates of Analysis (COA's)
Calibration certificates
Signage or communications related to forms or processes
Finding documentation that is linked to a form
Open the Form > Documentation Tab
Select the document you wish to view
Finding documentation that is not linked to a form
Resources > Documentation, here will be a list of your whole document library
Use the 'Sort' , 'Filter' , or 'Search' to navigate through the documents
Select the document you wish to view from the list
Select View Document
Note: Ensure you complete the following prior to audit day
Building sketch that has been attached to Form A
The Self Assessment which is then attached to the Self Assessment Form
All manual sections and annual forms with applicable documentation attached
Auditor User
If you would like to create a limited access user for your auditor, please reach out to and we will help you set it up.