Create a New Location

Add a new location to your dropdowns

  1. Navigate to Resources -> Locations Module

  2. At the top of the page you will find the Tool Bar, select the Add button
  3. In the side panel:

    1. Enter in the Location Name

    2. Enter in the Location Type

    3. Select a Parent Location (if applicable)

  4. Select Create Location
  5. Add any additional information (optional)
  6. Select Save

Note: In order for a Location to appear in the Parent Location dropdown, it must have been created as its own Location first.

What is the Difference?

  • Parent Location: A larger location that has sub-locations within it
  • Location: A singular location. Any location can become a Parent Location or be a stand alone location.
    i.e. Building A (Parent Location) has 3 storage rooms (3 Locations) in it.